Oh yeah! Finally I got to finish up the limited edition of my very own shoes! XD
Well. I did face lots of mistakes and hard works.
But still by burning a night of midnight oil i get to save them
But still by burning a night of midnight oil i get to save them
and get to produce them into a nice and awesome one like as shown in the pics!
Wohooo!! Amazing experience. I told dad to bring me to buy another shoes for me to draw more.
HAHA. he actually said yes! and he did said it looks real and really nice.
Wohhoo!! Nice! Thanks daddy!! ♥
For sure I did post it on my Facebook page! AHA!
Did hit more than 30 likes and lotsa frens did comment and said they looks really nice!!
Before & after XD ♥

Its done processed! Wohoo!! I damn love it!! XD ♥
Spent 2 days doing these, but i still love it.
Ended everything with full satisfactories!!!
Burning those oils last night, I did get the credits thou! XD
Burning those oils last night, I did get the credits thou! XD
Ahahaha. Owh~ Nice!!!
Had dinner with UK's uncle and his family and my family this two nights :D
But tonight is a special night its my 1st time to treat them as Ive got my very 1st pay of my life.
But this meal cost me RM226.10 /.\
Half of my pay are gone! ><
But im still happy and content as i get to treat them as treating the one u love will be a happy case and most blissful things that is awsome to do. :D
But im still happy and content as i get to treat them as treating the one u love will be a happy case and most blissful things that is awsome to do. :D
I Love them! ♥
The most amazing thing tat I could do is that i managed to treat my UK, Brighton Uncle in BP as it is not easy to get to treat him in BP as he is staying in Brighton!
Wohooo!!! AWESOME!!! XD ♥
With Uncle Vin, Daddy & Mummy! I damn love these! ♥
Thats it for this post, readers! ADIOS!! ♥
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