TIRAMISU``` Mummy de`` ^^
NEW YORK CHEESE``` Daddy de`` ^^
OREO CHEESE``` Zhen de``` ^^
Haiz``` Tuition again`` But went LALUNA with Xue``` Haha^^`` Many funny jokes```
But baobei Vin`` Ko lian a``` She's in bad mood`` She ahem ahem with sumbody``` Haiz`` Hope she's better now```
Today`` The Installation of TIGS & HSBP``` Din go`` but got spy help me to take photos`` haha```
But baobei Vin`` Ko lian a``` She's in bad mood`` She ahem ahem with sumbody``` Haiz`` Hope she's better now```
Today`` The Installation of TIGS & HSBP``` Din go`` but got spy help me to take photos`` haha```
At night``` OMG`` Family go n buy Secret Recipe's Cakes again``` Ko lain de me`` one day eat 2 cakes leh`` But Nice``` haha`` ^^ If everyday de hua`` then cannot``` Because 'wo hui yun a' haha XD``` ^^
ohh..oreo.. i love it